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Dundee Changemakers’ Citywide Microgrants

*** This round of Microgrants is now closed, please subscribe to our Newsletter and social media to be the first to hear about future opportunities. ***

Dundee Changemakers Hub provides support, events, workshops and microgrants to connect local communities to share knowledge and amplify voices. Together we'll drive positive change with, by and for Dundee's communities and environment.

We are delighted to offer 6 x up to £1,000 Microgrants, available to help you with a project or event in your neighbourhood! Your idea could be about improving a local green space, running a skill-sharing workshop with your community, a resource to teach people about environmental issues, or an idea for repair and re-use. Check our guidance below for more ideas, but you will know best what is needed and could bring about change in your area.

Please note that all funds must be spent and a short report submitted by 31 Mar 2025.

Who can apply?

Any group in Dundee can apply, such as a SCIO charity, Community Interest Company, BenCom, Trust or similar. If you have previously received funding from Dundee Changemakers Hub, you can apply again as long as previous funding has been spent and your report has been submitted. 


As soon as you can – applications will be assessed and granted on a first-come first-served basis. There will be further opportunities to apply for Microgrants in 2025-26, pending successful continuation of funding from the Scottish Government. 

How can I apply?

It’s simple, and we can help you with the application form. Read our guidance below to see if your idea is suitable, and apply here once you are clear about what you want to do. Email us at if you have any questions.

This funding is possible thanks to The Scottish Government’s Climate Action Hubs network. The Dundee Changemakers Hub is part of a growing national network of Climate Action Hubs which aim to build local awareness of the climate emergency, develop local plans, help groups take up funding opportunities, contribute to a Just Transition which is fair and leaves no one behind, and much more. The Hub was set up as a partnership project by Transition Dundee, ScrapAntics, The Maxwell Centre, Uppertunity and Creative Dundee. To find out more, check out our website here:




Dundee Changemakers Hub is offering easy and simple Changemakers Microgrants of up to £1,000, which are available to community groups operating and delivering within Dundee. 

The purpose of the Microgrants scheme is to increase awareness and to enable collective action on ‘climate friendly’ behaviours. These may include things that:

  • engage and teach the wider community about climate change and  environmental issues,

  • reduce pollution from how we travel and move around,

  • reduce energy use, increase energy efficiency,

  • reduce food waste,

  • provide jobs or skills in repair, upcycling, energy saving and related areas,

  • make space for nature, increase local food production or improve biodiversity,

  • help people and nature adapt to our changing climate,

  • encourage people to reduce how much new stuff they buy and use, or

  • encourage people to eat more plant-based/ local food.

Projects that demonstrate a wider community benefit – from involving your neighbours, working in partnership with other community groups or supporting disadvantaged members of the community – will have more chance of being funded.

If you have an idea for a project but need some support to get started, this Microgrant might be what you need. You can apply through our short application form, which will ask you to explain what you want to do and how you intend to do it, with a few other questions.

Examples of Microgrant stories

  • ‘Planting seeds in the community’ by Friends of Fairmuir Park – the Microgrant was used to furnish a new polytunnel, buy kitchen equipment to engage with more people through community lunches, and to increase community growing.

  • ‘Hearing Voices Cooking Classes’ by The Haven – the Microgrant was used to run an 8 week cooking course, encouraging participants to eat more plants, reduce food waste and learn more about budget-friendly cooking.

  • The Whitfield Greenspace Group used the Microgrant to improve the existing greenspace, so community members and local schools could make better use of it to grow more fruits and vegetables, and help people connect to nature.


How can I ensure my application is successful?

  • Make sure you’ve thought about your idea and how it matches one or more of the themes listed above. The more detail you have and the more the benefit to your community/the local environment, the better.

  • The more people you involve from your area, the better. If you can show that local people already support your idea, this will also help your application succeed.

  • Be clear about how the money will be used and how people will benefit from your project or activity.

What happens when I submit my application?

  • Your application will be reviewed by a selection panel from Dundee Changemakers Hub partners. If we have any questions, we will contact you to discuss any details that will support your application, and we might come to visit the site of your project.

  • We will keep you updated, and the process shouldn’t take more than 2-3 weeks.

What do I need to do if my application is successful?

We will talk you through the process from receiving the Microgrant to reporting on your project. We will also need a few things from you:

  • your commitment to complete your project before 31st March 2025 (we are required by The Scottish Government to ensure it is spent on time), and

  • your agreement that we can use photos or videos of your project so that we can inspire other people to do similar things – you must have consent from attendees to take pictures and to share them with us, and we won’t publish your name, location, or pictures of people without consent.

We will also need you to complete of a short report due before 31st March 2025. We need this so that we can improve the scheme in future, share ideas for other projects, and to have a record for taxpayers and our funders.

How do I implement my project?

You or your community/organisation will be responsible for organising and delivering your project. We can support you by promoting your project and any events.

What if my application is not accepted?

We will tell you why and encourage you to try again if certain changes would make your application more likely to succeed. 

If it doesn’t work out this time, we will welcome further applications in future funding years.

Other considerations

  • Some places will require permission to be used. If this is on council-owned land or private spaces. Make sure you get any necessary permissions before submitting an application for funding.

  • Please note that if your project involves work with vulnerable adults, or children (under 18s) without the presence of their parent/guardian, we expect you to have Disclosure checks and someone with safeguarding training.

  • In keeping with the theme of this fund – we expect you to buy second hand or use local suppliers for any purchases, where possible. We also recommend that you rent any appliances or tools, instead of buying.

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