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Collectiveness & Hope

It was wonderful to see so many people coming together, who wouldn't normally be sharing a space to reflect and dream together.


Not Another Visioning Event – Photography by Ben Douglas.

Over 70 motivated and inspirational people joined the Hub’s launch event, Not Another Visioning Event, on Tuesday 26 March at the Steeple Hall, with many more shakers and makers being part of our growing network of local Changemakers – bringing hopeful and innovative suggestions for creating positive change, and most importantly change around how we connect and act as a community to encompass more sharing, respect and grass roots thinking!

Change can be scary, whether it's chosen or happening to us, and adaptation comes with resilient communities. Strength in collectiveness helps us work through successes and failures, encouraging us to try and keep trying, and adopting new ways of being and doing together. To build resilient communities, we need various blocks such as safe neighbourhoods, healthy and supported individuals, social and economic mobility, access to resources and education, and strong and fair community engagement.

It was humbling and uplifting to see so many driven and inspired people, from different walks of life and bringing a wide breadth of expertises, coming together in the same room – and so many new faces! The energy, ideas and enthusiasm shared at the event makes us really optimistic for what we can do collectively as the Dundee Changemakers Hub. We have a much bigger and more inclusive voice when we all work together!

Everyone joining us at the event got stuck in conversations and shared ideas, listened to each other, even if they thought differently, and together imagined a better future for Dundee’s communities. We all generously shared our thoughts on what would make a real difference in our work and community, what we could offer to others, and imagined what the future would look like for communities across the city if we all collaborated more closely.


What would make a real difference in our work and community?

Acceptance and openness.

Willingness to suspend judgement.


Recognition of the urgency of the climate crisis.


You can view the presentation given by the Hub’s core partners and below are the discussion topics we were prompted with, which were informed by the numerous insights that community members have offered at the Hub’s previous events.

The group discussions were also inspired by young people's voices, sharing more about their experience and discoveries during our youth journalism pilot programme, Press Change. We'll be sharing more about their inquiries, interviews and creations, very soon!"

This was the most inspiring first hour of all the events I've ever been to!" – Hope Busak, RSPB Scotland Wild Dundee.


Social Fabric

What if our social fabric was stronger and more connected? What if everyone felt confident and equipped to keep informed, get involved, collaborate and make things happen for the common good, regardless of their socio-economic or cultural background?

Community Wellbeing

What if we fostered collective wellbeing? What if everyone felt optimistic about the future, and supportive and understanding of each other? What if preparing and sharing food together was a way for reconnecting and community healing?

Youth Leadership

What if we considered and nurtured the younger generations as leaders? What if every young person felt confident and equipped with self-esteem, creative thinking and advocacy, to explore, share and lead within their community?

Experience Nature

What if we all had access to the outdoors, to discover and play in Nature? What everyone felt they understood and connected with their natural environment, and collectively looked after it?

Creative Imagination

What if we all had access to cultural/creative offerings, to enrich our lives, to discover from others, to play and have fun together? What if everyone felt confident and equipped to take part in collectively imagining and acting on what’s next?

Taking Action

What if it was easier to make things happen, with less administration and bureaucracy, and more guidance and support? What if everyone had access to the knowledge, skills, resources, time and support needed to make a positive difference within our communities?

Civic Spaces

What if we all had the power and privilege to play an active part in making decisions locally? What if our public spaces became civic spaces, where everyone had the agency and support to take space and occupy them for the common good?



It was also wonderful to see so many people taking part in our series of community events we've hosted within the past months, and seeing so many residents want to get involved and help their community thrive. So much good is happening already across the city, and we want to build stronger networks and bonds.

As a gardener, the way I visualise changemakers is like a network of bright lights which are all the growth nodes and buds you would find on a big beautiful tree this time of the year. Their growth hormones are inside, and if the conditions are right, they will grow and branch out to provide flowers, berries and seeds.” – Manuela de los Rios, Maxwell Centre.

This is only the beginning. Coming next are exciting micro-funding events, as part of the Hub’s pilot projects, scaling-up existing actions, exploring new ideas, and co-designing fairer and more sustainable ways to connect and make things happen with, for and by local communities.

These three pilot projects include: Whitfield and Coldside, two neighbourhood communities, and an inclusive community across Dundee, Manyways, supporting groups and individuals with additional needs.

Join us at these free events, to celebrate and champion community-led projects, and connect with others locally, while sharing a simple soup supper:


Once our coordinators will be in post, we’ll be back in touch with more social events, making it easier for you to connect with others, and workshops to share knowledge and skills, which will be curated around the themes and needs that came up at our events.

Huge thanks to everyone who has taken the time to come along to our events or have been in touch, expressing your interest to get involved in the Hub’s activities and sharing your visions for a more inclusive and sustainable Dundee. 

We are a city full of inspirational changemakers!

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