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Changing Together: Dundee’s Ambitious New Climate Action Hub

A smiling woman with her hair tied into a ponytail inside a greenhouse showing three children a hanging basket containing plants
Photographed by David P Scott

Transition Dundee, The Maxwell Centre, ScrapAntics, Uppertunity and Creative Dundee come together to lead the creation of Dundee’s community driven Changemakers Hub.

Dundee’s new “Changemakers” Hub announced today during Scotland’s Climate Week will create a joint vision for a sustainable and inclusive future with and for Dundee’s communities. Through practical support, the Hub will include workshops, creative events and micro-grants to connect and equip local communities with connections, knowledge and tools over the next two years. 

Part of a growing national network funded by the Scottish Government’s Climate Action Fund, Climate Action Hubs aim to build local awareness of the climate emergency, develop local plans, help groups take up funding opportunities, and contribute to a Just Transition which is fair and leaves no one behind.

Dundee’s Changemakers Hub is being designed and delivered by a collective of five local community organisations, led by Transition Dundee, including The Maxwell Centre, Scrap Antics, Uppertunity and Creative Dundee. Enabled with funding of £253,000, the organisations have come together to make sure that Dundee’s communities are leading the charge for change on climate related issues.  

Lynsey Penny, Managing Director of Transition Dundee said:

“Transition Dundee is delighted to be involved with the Dundee Climate Hub – a real collaborative effort between a range of inspirational local organisations making real change happen on the ground, for Dundonians and for the nature we all depend on. There are a large number of local projects taking action on climate issues already and we hope the Hub will allow us all to work together more efficiently and amplify the climate actions already happening so that every single community member has the opportunity to get involved and help shape a more sustainable Dundee.” 

Through engagement, inclusion and creativity, the five strong collective demonstrate their commitment to climate action in their everyday work with communities who are routinely excluded. The Changemakers Hub has so far identified community needs in consultation with over 40 groups across Dundee, including community groups, gardens, food hubs, cycle groups and more. 

A group of people being shown how to knit

With a deep understanding and commitment to the people of the city, Dundee’s Changemakers Hub will respond to the diverse needs of local communities through amplifying exciting local networks and action, and testing new ways of connecting and working together. Ideas could include community street meals, new wildlife spaces, school cycle buses, or young community journalists reporting from their local areas about climate issues. 

The core collaborators each have significant experience of successfully delivering and supporting climate action across the city. They believe that Dundee has the changemakers, knowledge and skills, the Hub will harness collective strengths and each partner is excited by the potential for coming together to generate larger scale collective impacts.

Of the funding news, the partners said: 

"We believe that positive change has to happen on each of our streets and neighbourhoods, especially where people are struggling. This project will support and energise all the changemakers out there to think outside the box, test new ways of working and collaborate to make a bigger impact and work towards a common vision of a happy and healthy Dundee."

Manuela de los Rios, Garden Coordinator, the Maxwell Centre

“ScrapAntics are so pleased to partner with other community led projects in Dundee to ensure we do create a city wide Just Transition. This summer we held 52 play sessions, 16 art sessions, 2 festivals and 8 family days all around Dundee, if you know us please come and get involved and be part of creating a future that we all want. We need to involve everyone’s voice so please get in touch if you have an idea, want to be involved or just want to be kept in touch with how we progress.”

Sandy Greene, Managing Director, ScrapAntics CIC

“We are thrilled to take an active part in this ambitious, city-wide network of changemakers. The climate crisis is an overwhelming responsibility for individuals, especially when those making the least impact face the most urgent issues. Creative Dundee believes that creativity is an essential catalyst for positive social change. Culture and creativity brings people together – in shared moments we find much-needed space to build community and confidence, and collectively imagine possible futures that enable empathy and care for each other and the world around us.”

Claire Dufour, Creative Climate Producer, Creative Dundee

“We are extremely excited about this project, and thrilled to be part of an amazing group of community minded and ambitious organisations. Building resilient communities is at the heart of what we do, and this includes environmental sustainability. We believe that everyone has a part to play in shaping and building our community. To make this happen, community members need a space to have their voice heard and be supported, particularly if an individual faces additional barriers. We’re proud to be representing and supporting a group that is often not included. Together, this hub will support the different pockets of communities within our wider community, and we can make change happen together.”

Daniëlle du Plooy, Manager and Founder, Uppertunity

Over the next few months communities will be invited to take part in neighbourhood and city-wide visioning events and they will be supported to build, engage and benefit from this new Dundee-wide network.

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